SQL Commands

You can pass any SQL Commands to your database with Open Command of the Table menu. Some commands are specific to the database used, other are generic. 

Here are some syntactical hints for frequently used commands. You may copy them from this page, paste them into the dialog box of Open Command and modify them there.


DELETE removes records from a table permanently.

FROM table
WHERE criteria


UPDATE modifies records of a table permanently.

UPDATE table
SET { field = newvalue}
WHERE criteria;


SELECT returns a recordset.

SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW | TOP n [PERCENT] ] { * | table.* | [table.]field1 [AS alias1] [, [table.]field2 [AS alias2] [, ...]]}
FROM table [, ...]
[WHERE... ]
[GROUP BY... ]
[HAVING... ]
[ORDER BY... ]


UNION returns a recordset that consists of two concatenated recordsets. Without ALL, duplicated recordsets are eliminated.

query1 UNION [ALL] query2